[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] buildbot failure in amd64 gentoo 2.5

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Jan 23 11:06:25 CET 2007

Giovanni Bajo <rasky at develer.com> writes:

> On 23/01/2007 10.20, Brian Warner wrote:
>>>> Do I miss something here, or is the buildbot hit by spammers now?
>>> It looks like it is. If that continues, we have to disable the web
>>> triggers.
>> Good grief. If anyone has any bright ideas about simple ways to change that
>> form to make it less vulnerable to the spambots, I'd be happy to incorporate
>> them into Buildbot.
> I'd throw a CAPTCHA in. There are even some written in Python.

I'd guess even the simplest thing would work:

"Type "Python" into this box: ______"


  ZAPHOD:  Who are you?
  ROOSTA:  A friend.
  ZAPHOD:  Oh yeah? Anyone's friend in particular, or just generally 
           well-disposed to people?               -- HHGttG, Episode 7

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