[Python-Dev] Wrapping up 'dynamic attribute' discussion

Ben North ben at redfrontdoor.org
Thu Feb 15 23:08:53 CET 2007

I've sent an updated version of PEP 363 to the editors, which
includes the following summary of the discussion.  I hope I've
captured the important points, but please let me know if there's
something important I've left out or misrepresented.

- - - - 8< - - - -

Mailing Lists Discussion

    Initial posting of this PEP in draft form was to python-ideas on
    20070209 [2], and the response was generally positive.  The PEP was
    then posted to python-dev on 20070212 [3], and an interesting
    discussion ensued.  A brief summary:

    Initially, there was reasonable (but not unanimous) support for the
    idea, although the precise choice of syntax had a more mixed
    reception.  Several people thought the "." would be too easily
    overlooked, with the result that the syntax could be confused with a
    method/function call.  A few alternative syntaxes were suggested:

        obj at foo

    with "obj.[foo]" emerging as the preferred one.  In this initial
    discussion, the two-argument form was universally disliked, so it
    was to be taken out of the PEP.

    Discussion then took a step back to whether this particular feature
    provided enough benefit to justify new syntax.  As well as requiring
    coders to become familiar with the new syntax, there would also be
    the problem of backward compatibility --- code using the new syntax
    would not run on older pythons.

    Instead of new syntax, a new "wrapper class" was proposed, with the
    following specification / conceptual implementation suggested by
    Martin Loewis:

        class attrs:
           def __init__(self, obj):
             self.obj = obj
           def __getitem__(self, name):
             return getattr(self.obj, name)
           def __setitem__(self, name, value):
             return setattr(self.obj, name, value)
           def __delitem__(self, name):
             return delattr(self, name)
           def __contains__(self, name):
             return hasattr(self, name)

    This was considered a cleaner and more elegant solution to the
    original problem.  The decision was made that the present PEP did
    not meet the burden of proof for the introduction of new syntax, a
    view which had been put forward by some from the beginning of the
    discussion.  The wrapper class idea was left open as a possibility
    for a future PEP.

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