[Python-Dev] Bug Day in January?

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Thu Dec 13 00:44:49 CET 2007

A.M. Kuchling schrieb:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 10:04:38PM +0100, Georg Brandl wrote:
>> there wasn't much response to the bug day proposal, but I still think it's
>> a good idea. I'd propose a date in January, when Christmas etc. is over.
>> It would also be nice if someone did the organizing who hasn't got a
>> daily batch of GHOP tasks to review and commit :)
> I agree that a bug day would be a good idea, and am happy to help with
> the organizing.  What needs to be done, once a date has been set and a
> bunch of announcements have been sent out?

Not too much, apart from making sure as many people as possible attend :)

Last time we've communicated over IRC  and the Wiki, perhaps next time
a Google spreadsheet could be used instead of the Wiki, so one would
need to setup IRC logging and the initial spreadsheet.

There are a couple of pages in the Wiki with infos for participants
which must be brought up to date and perhaps moved into the Google doc too.

A neat thing for newcomers is if someone goes through the bugs beforehand
and selects some that are easily tackleable in the time period of the
bug day.


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