[Python-Dev] The "lazy strings" patch

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Mon Oct 23 16:58:25 CEST 2006

Steve Holden wrote:
> But it seems to me that the only major issue is the inability to provide 
> zero-byte terminators with this new representation.
I guess I wasn't clear in my description of the patch; sorry about that.

Like "lazy concatenation objects", "lazy slices" render when you call 
PyString_AsString() on them.  Before rendering, the lazy slice's ob_sval 
will be NULL. Afterwards it will point to a proper zero-terminated 
string, at which point the object behaves exactly like any other 

The only function that *might* return a non-terminated char * is 
PyString_AsUnterminatedString().  This function is static to 
stringobject.c--and I would be shocked if it were ever otherwise.

> If there were any reliable way to make sure these objects never got 
> passed to extension modules then I'd say "go for it".
If external Python extension modules are as well-behaved as the shipping 
Python source tree, there simply wouldn't be a problem.  Python source 
is delightfully consistent about using the macro PyString_AS_STRING() to 
get at the creamy char *center of a PyStringObject *.  When code 
religiously uses that macro (or calls PyString_AsString() directly), all 
it needs is a recompile with the current stringobject.h and it will Just 

I genuinely don't know how many external Python extension modules are 
well-behaved in this regard.  But in case it helps: I just checked PIL, 
NumPy, PyWin32, and SWIG, and all of them were well-behaved.

Apart from stringobject.c, there was exactly one spot in the Python 
source tree which made assumptions about the structure of 
PyStringObjects (Mac/Modules/macos.c).  It's in the block starting with 
the comment "This is a hack:".  Note that this is unfixed in my patch, 
so just now all code using that self-avowed "hack" will break.

Am I correct in understanding that changing the Python minor revision 
number (2.5 -> 2.6) requires external modules to recompile?  (It 
certainly does on Windows.)  If so, I could mitigate the problem by 
renaming ob_sval.  That way, code making explicit reference to it would 
fail to compile, which I feel is better than silently recompiling unsafe 


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