[Python-Dev] Exceptions and slicing

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Thu Oct 12 22:15:05 CEST 2006

Thomas Heller schrieb:
> Martin v. Löwis schrieb:
>> Thomas Heller schrieb:
>>> 1. The __str__ of a WindowsError instance hides the 'real' windows
>>> error number.  So, in 2.4 "print error_instance" would print
>>> for example:
>>>   [Errno 1002] Das Fenster kann die gesendete Nachricht nicht verarbeiten.
>>> while in 2.5:
>>>   [Error 22] Das Fenster kann die gesendete Nachricht nicht verarbeiten.
>> That's a bug. I changed the string deliberately from Errno to error to
>> indicate that it is not an errno, but a GetLastError. Can you come up
>> with a patch?
> Yes, but not today.

I submitted a patch for this issue:



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