[Python-Dev] Path object design

glyph at divmod.com glyph at divmod.com
Wed Nov 1 17:09:10 CET 2006

On 10:06 am, g.brandl at gmx.net wrote:
>What a successor to os.path needs is not security, it's a better (more pythonic,
>if you like) interface to the old functionality.


I assert that it needs a better[1] interface because the current interface can lead to a variety of bugs through idiomatic, apparently correct usage.  All the more because many of those bugs are related to critical errors such as security and data integrity.

If I felt the current interface did a good job at doing the right thing in the right situation, but was cumbersome to use, I would strenuously object to _any_ work taking place to change it.  This is a hard API to get right.

[1]: I am rather explicitly avoiding the word "pythonic" here.  It seems to have grown into a shibboleth (and its counterpart, "unpythonic", into an expletive).  I have the impression it used to mean something a bit more specific, maybe adherence to Tim Peters' "Zen" (although that was certainly vague enough by itself and not always as self-evidently true as some seem to believe).  More and more, now, though, I hear it used to mean 'stuff should be more betterer!' and then everyone nods sagely because we know that no filthy *java* programmer wants things to be more betterer; *we* know *they* want everything to be horrible.  Words like this are a pet peeve of mine though, so perhaps I am overstating the case.  Anyway, moving on... as long as I brought up the Zen, perhaps a particular couplet is appropriate here:

  Now is better than never.
  Although never is often better than *right* now.

Rushing to a solution to a non-problem, e.g. the "pythonicness" of the interface, could exacerbate a very real problem, e.g. the security and data-integrity implications of idiomatic usage.  Granted, it would be hard to do worse than os.path, but it is by no means impossible (just look at any C program!), and I can think of a couple of kinds of API which would initially appear more convenient but actually prove more problematic over time.

That brings me back to my original point: the underlying issue here is too important a problem to get wrong *again* on the basis of a superficial "need" for an API that is "better" in some unspecified way.  os.path is at least possible to get right if you know what you're doing, which is no mean feat; there are many path-manipulation libraries in many languages which cannot make that claim (especially portably).  Its replacement might not be.  Getting this wrong outside the standard library might create problems for some people, but making it worse _in_ the standard library could create a total disaster for everyone.

I do believe that this wouldn't get past the dev team (least of all the release manager) but it would waste a lot less of everyone's time if we focused the inevitable continuing bike-shed discussion along the lines of discussing the known merits of widely deployed alternative path libraries, or at least an approach to *get* that data on some new code if there is consensus that existing alternatives are in some way inadequate.

If for some reason it _is_ deemed necessary to go with an untried approach, I can appreciate the benefits that /F has proposed of trying to base the new interface entirely and explicitly off the old one.  At least that way it will still definitely be possible to get right.  There are problems with that too, but they are less severe.
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