[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] whatever happened to string.partition ?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri May 26 04:03:45 CEST 2006

    >> skip?  was this a real design or a Py3K bluesky idea?

Just about nothing I do is a real design. <wink>  I don't remember the
weather conditions that day either.  I was probably just noodling around
based upon discussions on python-dev that were mutated in my brain by gamma
rays from Alpha Centauri.

    Guido> I suggest to forget about that particular idea and just do what
    Guido> you were thinking of originally. str.partition() and
    Guido> unicode.partition() should be as simple as possible, to cover the
    Guido> 80% use case FAST.

Agreed.  Get it right then optimize it during the next NeedForSpeed sprint.


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