[Python-Dev] python syntax additions to support indentation insensitivity/generated code

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Mon May 1 17:19:22 CEST 2006

On Sun, Apr 30, 2006, Ben Wing wrote:
> recently i've been writing code that generates a python program from a 
> source file containing intermixed python code and non-python constructs, 
> which get converted into python.

Please take this to comp.lang.python (this is not in-and-of-itself
inappropriate for python-dev, but experience indicates that this
discussion will probably not be productive and therefore belongs on the
general newsgroup).
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."  --Richard Bach

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