[Python-Dev] Python Benchmarks

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Jun 9 12:44:34 CEST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> You can download a current snapshot from:
>> http://www.egenix.com/files/python/pybench-2.0-2006-06-09.zip
> believe it or not, but this hangs on my machine, under 2.5 trunk.  and 
> it hangs hard; nether control-c, break, or the task manager manages to 
> kill it.


> if it's any clue, it prints
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> PYBENCH 2.0
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> * using Python 2.5a2
>> * disabled garbage collection
>> * system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
>> * using timer: time.clock
> and that's it; the process is just sitting there, using exactly 0% CPU.

This is the output to expect:

* using Python 2.4.2
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait...

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 6.627 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 7.307 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 7.180 seconds.

Note that the calibration step takes a while.

Looking at the code, the only place where it could
hang (because it's relying on a few external tools)
is when fetching the platform details:

def get_machine_details():

    import platform
    buildno, builddate = platform.python_build()
    python = platform.python_version()
    if python > '2.0':
        except ValueError:
            # UCS2 build (standard)
            unicode = 'UCS2'
            # UCS4 build (most recent Linux distros)
            unicode = 'UCS4'
        unicode = None
    bits, linkage = platform.architecture()
    return {
        'platform': platform.platform(),
        'processor': platform.processor(),
        'executable': sys.executable,
        'python': platform.python_version(),
        'compiler': platform.python_compiler(),
        'buildno': buildno,
        'builddate': builddate,
        'unicode': unicode,
        'bits': bits,

It does run fine on my WinXP machine, both with the win32
package installed or not.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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