[Python-Dev] About a month until PSF call for test trackers closes!

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu Jul 6 00:07:23 CEST 2006

Back at the beginning of June, the Python Software Foundation's
Infrastructure committee sent out an email requesting people to help us find
a replacement tracker for SourceForge (the original announcement can be
found at http://wiki.python.org/moin/CallForTrackers ).  We asked that
people put test trackers loaded with a data dump of Python's SourceForge
tracker data online for us to play with.  We said that we would close
acceptance of test trackers as of August 7.

That close date is a little over a month away!  If you want to help get your
favorite tracker up and going for the Infrastructure committee to evaluate,
please visit http://wiki.python.org/moin/CallForTrackers and see if you can
help out!  We already have a tracker for JIRA up and loaded with the SF data
to poke around with.  There are also Trac and Roundup trackers in the
planning stages that could use some help in getting the SF data imported and
getting the servers up.  In order for a tracker to be considered it *must*
have the SF data loaded up.  This will be a necessary step if the tracker is
accepted, plus it lets us see how well the tracker lets us manage a large
number of bugs.

If you have questions or concerns, please email infrastructure at
python.org(it is subscription-protected, but your email will be
accepted; the
subscription page is at
http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/infrastructure ).  Thank you to
those that have helped so far and those that do in the future.

-Brett Cannon
Chairman, PSF Infrastructure Committee
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