[Python-Dev] / as path join operator (was: Re: The path module PEP)

Tony Meyer t-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Jan 26 00:51:04 CET 2006

[John J Lee]
> But it's a very readable way to write a common operation.  Perhaps one
> reason the discrepancy you point out doesn't bother me is that  
> division is
> the least-used of the +-*/ arithmetic operations.

Do you have evidence to back that up?  It seems a strange claim.   
Outside of doing 'maths-y' work, I would think I'd use + most (but  
for strings), then / (for percentages).

> Also, &, | and ^ seem like some sort of precedent, to my brain (if  
> they
> don't to yours, that's fine and I believe you ;-).

I don't follow this, sorry.  You're referring to the bitwise operations?

[Ian Bicking]
> Curious how often I use os.path.join and division, I searched a  
> project
> of mine, and in 12k lines there were 34 uses of join, and 1 use of
> division.  In smaller scripts os.path.join tends to show up a lot more
> (per line).  I'm sure there's people who use division far more than I,
> and os.path.join less, but I'm guessing the majority of users are more
> like me.

The problem with these sorts of guesses is that there's no evidence.   
(Maybe the suggestion that Brett's PhD should collect a corpus of  
Python scripts was a good one <wink>).  Are mathematicians that under  
represented?  Is file processing that highly represented?  I have no  


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