[Python-Dev] New Pythondoc by effbot

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Mon Jan 23 16:42:24 CET 2006

BJörn Lindqvist wrote:

> > > Have you studied wikipedia's approach? It's multi-layered and worth
> > > learning from (start with their FAQ on editing).
> > >
> > > (And by the way, I am *not* advocating writing the docs as one big
> > > wikipedia -- only the user commentary.)
> >
> > to clarify, I'm advocating maintaining the docs via a restricted wiki-like
> > system, and using a blog-style discussion board or a wiki to collect non-
> > specific user commentary.
> Why does it have to be "wiki-like"? Why can't it be a wiki? MediaWiki
> seem to work pretty well for a lot of software projects that have put
> their documentation in a wiki. Talk pages for commentary and primary
> pages for reviewed content.

semantics, semantics, semantics (see earlier posts on this topic).

but sure, a wiki engine with support for custom source syntax (to support
python-oriented semantic markup) and section editing could work.

(moinmoin has the former, but not the latter, afaik).


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