[Python-Dev] New Pythondoc by effbot

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Jan 22 20:40:58 CET 2006

Facundo Batista wrote:
> 2006/1/22, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net>:
>> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> > ...
>> > Why? If wikipedia can do without moderation (for most pages)  then why
>> > couldn't the Python docs?
>> Well, why not... it's surely worth a try. Perhaps using a spam filter like most
>> modern weblogs would suffice.
> I can see three levels of permissiveness. Everybody (with or without
> registration?) will be able to post whatever, but the annotation...
> - will be posted always
> - will go through an antispam
> - will go through a posting-revision-comitee (that is, a human antispam, ;)).
> I don't like the first one, I'm +1 with the second and +0 with the third.
> In the last two, specially in the third one, you'll need human
> workforce. I'm stepping forward for that, if you need it.

Metoo, of course.


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