[Python-Dev] New Pythondoc by effbot

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Jan 22 12:07:16 CET 2006

Walter Dörwald wrote:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Can you mock that up a bit? I'm somewhat confused about what you're requesting, and also worried that it would take up too
>>> much horizontal space. (Despite that monitors are wider than tall, horizontal real estate feels more scarce than vertical,
>>> because horizontal scrolling is such a pain.)
>> Something like
>> http://home.in.tum.de/~brandlg/zipfile.html
>> (It works this way (position: fixed) in most browsers, for IE one would have to apply compatibility hacks.)
> Vertical spacing is IMHO pretty bad on this page. Everything has the same distance from everything else. This makes
> understanding the structure of the page pretty hard.

The main content is the original zipfile.html from

Only the sidebar is my addition.


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