[Python-Dev] Building on OS X 10.4 fails

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Tue Jan 17 21:47:53 CET 2006

On 1/17/06, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 19:17 +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
> > Building the readline on OS X 10.4 fails, is this known, or am I doing
> > something wrong?
> There are definitely serious issues with readline on OS X 10.4.  I've
> hit them too but haven't had time to post about it yet.  I'm far from an
> expert on them (Bob, Jack and others can definitely speak with more
> knowledge on this) but my understanding is that the default readline
> that comes with Tiger is not sufficient to build the Python extension
> library.
> However, I use DarwinPorts and IWBNI Python's build process could
> search /opt/local for the necessary readline support, using that if
> found.  I know that DP's Python 2.4.2 build does provide readline, so
> that should definitely work.  I've glanced at the setup.py file, but
> haven't had the time to dig in in enough detail to actually fix and
> commit.

OS X-specific package support has been removed from setup.py for the
more generic support of LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS.  Set those properly for
/opt/local/(lib|include) and it will find readline installed by DP
fine (it's how I build my checkout with readline support).


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