[Python-Dev] Tkinter

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Jan 10 22:28:52 CET 2006

Rodrigues, Joseph wrote:
> Would you say wxPython and QtPy are competing with TKinter or vice
> versa?

No. I never say that software "competes". I don't even say that products
compete. People may compete, or perhaps companies, but not things.

> Why wxPyton and/or QtPy when TKinter is alive and well?

Because they have their user communities.

> Why am I asking about this?

Not sure :-)

> I am working with an application that my agency started with TKinter
> and is investigating if we should stay with it or consider the others
> and have not been able to get the kind of direction anywhere.  In
> addition, we purchased the John E. Grayson book but realized it is
> from 2000 and is wondering what is missing that has been developed in
> TKinter since 2000?

Not much - code in that book should continue to work just fine.

> Why has the book become so dated with no updates?

You would have to ask John Grayson for that.

> This led me to consider that TKinter may be on its way out
> and we need to consider the other GUI toolkits.

Well, this is certainly off-topic for python-dev.


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