[Python-Dev] Including zlib...

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 22:22:09 CET 2006

> OK. As long a typical Unix build still links with whatever shared zlib
> is present on the box I'm fine with this.

>>> Hear, hear.

>>>> Martin checked in zlib to the Python svn repository.  Are we really sure
>>>> that including zlib is the only path to whatever it is that it
achieves?  If
>>>> security holes in zlib turn up (they have in the past), new Python releases
>>>> will have to be released quickly.

>> Martin & Thomas Heller proposed it here about two weeks ago:
>>     http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-December/058873.html
>> It's pimarily for the benefit of py2exe on Windows.  AFAICT, he didn't
>> change Python's treatment of zlib on non-Windows boxes; on Windows
>> zlib is now compiled in to the core DLL.

I figure that if we keep this conversation going long enough, we can
eventually shame Guido out of top-posting before it becomes a habit

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