[Python-Dev] current test problems

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 02:09:08 CET 2006

test_bsddb3 fails for me with BSD DB 4.1 and 4.2 on gentoo Linux.  I
think it has for a long time.  Is anyone else seeing these failures? 
You must use -u bsddb when running regrtest.

4.2 has 2 failures:


4.1 fails like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Lib/threading.py", line 444, in __bootstrap
  File "Lib/threading.py", line 424, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py", line 275, in readerThread
    rec = dbutils.DeadlockWrap(c.next, max_retries=10)
  File "Lib/bsddb/dbutils.py", line 62, in DeadlockWrap
    return function(*_args, **_kwargs)
DBLockDeadlockError: (-30996, 'DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK: Locker killed to
resolve a deadlock')

When looking for leaks, the following tests fail:

     test_decimal test_difflib test_optparse test_warnings test_zipimport

To test:
     ./python -E -tt ./Lib/test/regrtest.py -R 3:2: \
       test_decimal test_difflib test_optparse test_warnings test_zipimport

The following test has actual leaks which was reported a while ago.  Armin
found the problem to be that itertools.tee needs to participate with GC IIRC:


The following tests do not report stable leaks (at least sometimes):

    test_capi test_cfgparser test_charmapcodec
    test_cmd_line test_compiler test_filecmp test_logging
    test_threadedtempfile test_threading
    test_threading_local test_urllib2


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