[Python-Dev] What should the focus for 2.6 be?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Aug 22 17:26:12 CEST 2006

"A.M. Kuchling" <amk at amk.ca> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 12:24:54PM -0700, Brett Cannon wrote:
>> As for the docs, they just need a thorough updating.  
> Michael Hudson was working on a new guide to extending/embedding
> Python.  Incorporating that should be a goal for 2.6 (the document may
> still need to be finished -- I'm not sure what state it's in).

Oh my word, even I had nearly forgotten about that.

I think the latest version is here:


and source is here:


It's certainly not even half-finished, and I'm not sure how much time
or enthusiasm I'm likely to be able to find for it in the medium term.


  ZAPHOD:  OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million
           for good thinking, eh?
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 2

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