[Python-Dev] Proposed resolutions for open PEP 343 issues

Eric Nieuwland eric.nieuwland at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 26 08:17:01 CEST 2005

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> [Eric "are all your pets called Eric?" Nieuwland]
>>>> Hmmm... Would it be reasonable to introduce a ProtocolError 
>>>> exception?
> [Guido]
>>> And which perceived problem would that solve?
> [Eric]
>> It was meant to be a bit more informative about what is wrong.
>> ProtocolError: lacks __enter__ or __exit__
> That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. :)
> I find "AttributeError: __exit__" just as informative. In either case,
> if you know what __exit__ means, you'll know what you did wrong. And
> if you don't know what it means, you'll have to look it up anyway. And
> searching for ProtocolError doesn't do you any good -- you'll have to
> learn about what __exit__ is and where it is required.

I see. Then why don't we unify *Error into Error?
Just read the message and know what it means.
And we could then drop the burden of exception classes and only use the 
A sense of deja-vu comes over me somehow ;-)

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