[Python-Dev] Example for PEP 343

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Wed May 18 03:02:58 CEST 2005

> > What's the advantage of using two calls to getcontext() vs. saving
> > context in a local variable?
> I also prefer saving the context in a local variable but that is just
> micro-optimization.  The presentation with multiple calls to
> getcontext() was kept just to match the style of the original -- the
> important change was the absolute save and restore versus the original
> relative adjust up and adjust down.

One more thought:  Rather than just saving the precision, it is likely
wiser, safer, and more general to just save and restore the whole
context and let the wrapped block only work with a copy.

    oldcontext = decimal.getcontext()
    newcontext = oldcontext.copy()
    newcontext.prec += 2
    yield None

This approach defends against various kinds of unruly behavior by the
yield target.

Raymond Hettinger

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