[Python-Dev] New Py_UNICODE doc

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Sun May 8 18:25:07 CEST 2005

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> All this talk about UTF-16 vs. UCS-2 is not very useful
> and strikes me a purely academic.
> The reference to possibly breakage by slicing a Unicode and
> breaking a surrogate pair is valid, the idea of UCS-4 being
> less prone to breakage is a myth:

Fair enough.  The original point is that the documentation is unclear
about what a Py_UNICODE[] contains.  I deduced that it contains either
UCS2 or UCS4 and implemented accordingly.  Not only did I guess wrong,
but others will probably guess wrong too.  Something in the docs needs
to spell this out.


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