[Python-Dev] PEP 340 keyword: after

Chris Ryland cpr at emsoftware.com
Thu May 5 16:55:18 CEST 2005

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra <rodsenra <at> gpr.com.br> writes:

>  The code pattern that will 'wrap' the block might
>  not always make sense with the chosen keyword, if
>  that keyword is not semantically neutral.
>  (not time-related, not function-related, etc).
>  Notice that is _no keyword_ is chosen, nothing prevents us
>  from using (even if by aliasing):
>    after_opening("/etc/passwd") as f:
>        for line in f:
>            print line.rstrip()
>    after_locking(myLock):
>        # code that needs to hold the lock

I hate to add to what could be an endless discussion, but... ;-)

In this case, "while" is the better time-related prefix, whether
keyword (hopeless, due to ages-old boolean-controlled loop association)
or function, since you want to imply that the code block is going
on *while* the lock is held or *while* the file is open (and you also
want to imply that afterwards, something else happens, i.e., cleanup).

    # code that needs to hold the lock

--Chris Ryland, Em Software

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