[Python-Dev] webbrowser.py: browser >/dev/null 2>&1

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rodsenra at gpr.com.br
Wed Mar 23 14:25:12 CET 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 15:40:20 +0300
Oleg Broytmann <phd at oper.phd.pp.ru> wrote:

> Hello!
>    While I'm working on webbrowser...


> Why do all graphical browsers are called with their stdout/stderr redirected 
> to /dev/null? 

Under some linux distros (I'm positive for some Mdk releases), Mozilla is
compiled dumping a lot of info to stdout/stderr. Since one of the goals of
webbrowser is to give the end-user a stress-free experience, there goes the
mentioned nullification <wink>.

In a development environment, a developer should not find difficulty to reverse
that if needed.

>    I'd like to remove all those redirects. Any opinion?
-1 for me.

best regards,
Rod Senra

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