[Python-Dev] PEP: Migrating the Python CVS to Subversion

Leif Hedstrom leif at ogre.com
Fri Jul 29 02:15:21 CEST 2005

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

>Currently, access to Subversion on svn.python.org uses WebDAV over
>https, using basic authentication. For this to work, authorized
>users need to provide a password. This mechanism should be used,
>atleast initially, for the Python CVS as well, since various committers
>also have a username/password pair for the www SVN repository already.
>Alternatives to password-based access include:
>- Subversion over SSH, using SSH key pairs. This would require
>  to give committers accounts on the machine, which currently is
>  ruled out by the administration policy of svn.python.org.
>- Subversion over WebDAV, using SSL client certificates. This
>  would work, but would require to administrate a certificate
>  authority.

I'm definitely positive to a migration to Subversion, but I'd be really 
concerned about using plain text authentication mechanisms. SSH 
obviously is much prefered, and clearly there are ways to limit the 
"accounts" on the svn.python.org, many other projects does this already 
for cvs. E.g

thor (17:11) 350/0 $ ssh -l 'username' cvs.mozilla.org

To use anonymous CVS install the latest version of CVS on your local 
Then set your CVSROOT environment variable to the following value:
        cvsuser at megalon:/cvsroot

Connection to cvs.mozilla.org closed.

We should have enough man powers to come up with some secure solution 
here :).

-- Leif

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