[Python-Dev] Terminology for PEP 343

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Fri Jul 1 23:49:11 CEST 2005

> >>Whatever term is selected, it should be well thought-out and added
> >>the glossary.  The choice of words will likely have a great effect
> >>learnability and on how people think about the new tool.

[Ron Adam]
> I tried to bring this up on python-list, but I didn't get much of a
> response.  I suggested "witherator" as a too cute alternative, but was
> hoping to get some alternatives to that.

That wins in the cuteness and trademarkability categories ;-)

Here is a more plain and direct alternative proposal:

  "Decimal objects support the enter/exit protocol"

On a separate note, I also propose that __exit__() be renamed to
__leave__().  The enter/leave word pairing are a better fit in standard

  Entering the Austin city limits ... Leaving the Austin city limits.
  You may enter ... You may leave.
  Enter the Dragon ... Elvis has left the building.

FWIW, there is precedent in x86 assembly language:

  enter:  sets up nested procedure definition
  leave:  reverses the effect of enter

Likewise, GUI programmers use Enter and Leave for mouse events.

Google has no shortage of hits for the pairing:



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