[Python-Dev] status of development documentation

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Dec 21 19:33:41 CET 2005

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> >(as I hinted, I'd prefer HTML with microformat annotations as the main format;
> >with roundtripping to markdown or rest (etc) for people who prefer to
> >author in that, and tidy->xhtml->python tools for the HTML generation)
> I don't see how HTML is any "lighter" than LaTeX - to me it feels a lot
> heavier, even if you only consider the number of shifted keystrokes needed
> to type it.

umm.  I was thinking "light" in terms of

 - tools required for the processing chain
 - the chance that someone new to python actually knows the stuff
 - support for the format in widely used word processing tools

and you're talking about

 - number of keystrokes in a vintage text editor with no syntax support

since I prefer to avoid "whitespace vs. braces" arguments, let's leave it

> And attempting to roundtrip HTML back to reST would lose far too much
> information

in a less dogmatic Python universe, that would be considered a major
design flaw in ReST.


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