[Python-Dev] Expose Subversion revision number to Python

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Dec 16 21:01:04 CET 2005

At 08:30 PM 12/16/2005 +0100, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > The "Revision" from "svn info" isn't reliable; it doesn't actually relate
> > to what version of code is in the subtree.  It can change when nothing has
> > changed.
>That is not true. It does relate - it is the revision that was current
>when "svn up" was last done.

But you can also have more than one revision number that represents the 
*exact same code*, with no changes at all.

>  This *does* allow you to tell what changed

It can also give you a false indicator of change, when nothing has in fact 
changed.  Don't believe me?  Check in a change to a sandbox project or a 
branch, and go see if the Python trunk still has the same "revision" 

I'm rather baffled as to why everyone seems so insistent on not using "Last 
Changed Rev" and "-R", given that the information is demonstrably a 1:1 
mapping with actual changes to the project, while "Revision" without -R is 
demonstrably *not* a 1:1 mapping with actual changes to the project.

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