[Python-Dev] PEP 8 updates/clarifications

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro gjc at inescporto.pt
Mon Dec 12 14:48:36 CET 2005

Dom, 2005-12-11 às 16:30 -0600, Ian Bicking escreveu:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> >>      Designing for inheritance
> >>
> >>        Always decide whether a class's methods and instance variables
> >>        should be public or non-public.  In general, never make data
> >>        variables public unless you're implementing essentially a
> >>        record.   It's almost always preferrable to give a functional
> > 
> >  >        interface to your class instead (and some Python 2.2
> >  >        developments will make this much nicer).
> >  >
> >  > Yes, Python 2.2 developments have made this better.  Use of property()
> >  > should be suggested.
> > 
> > This seems outdated.  My impression, in part from time spent
> > working with the Python Labs guys, is that it is fine to have public
> > data sttributes even for non-"record" types.  In fact, I would argue that
> > any time you would be tempted to provide "getFoo()" and "setFoo(v)"
> > for some "private attribute _foo", it would be better to make it
> > public.  I certainly find "blah.foo" and "blah.foo = v" to be much
> > better than "blah.getFoo()" and blah.setFoo(v)".
> > 
> > Certainly, properties provide a safety belt.  I would argue it this
> > way: Python APIs can include attributes as well as methods.
> > Exposure of an attribute need not constrain the implementation, thanks
> > to properties.  OTOH, I wouldn't bother with a property unless it's needed.
> So, getting back to the original paragraph, perhaps it could say:
> Decide whether a class's methods and instance variables should be public 
> or non-public.  Non-public methods and variables should start with an 
> underscore.
> Do not use accessor methods, like ``obj.getFoo()`` and 
> ``obj.setFoo(v)``, instead just expose a public attribute (``obj.foo``). 
>   If necessary you can use ``property`` to implement the same 
> functionality that accessor methods would give you.  If you do use 
> properties, getting that property should never have a side effect. 
> [well... I think that certain side effects like caching and logging are 
> okay, but I'm not sure how to make that distinction]

  IMHO, if getting a property involves a potentially long computation,
it's better to have an accessor method rather than a property;
xpto.getFoobar() hints right away the programmer that to access that
value some code has to be run, so the programmer is more likely to store
the result in a temp variable for use in the same context, instead of
calling it multiple times.  Similar reasoning applites for setter vs
property =.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc at inescporto.pt> <gustavo at users.sourceforge.net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic.
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