[Python-Dev] __traceback__ and reference cycles

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Aug 9 03:45:27 CEST 2005

At 09:12 PM 8/8/2005 -0400, Tim Peters wrote:
>I can't think of a Python feature with a higher aggregate
>braincell_burned / benefit ratio than __del__ methods.  If P3K retains
>them-- or maybe even before --we should consider taking "the Java
>dodge" on this one.  That is, decree that henceforth a __del__ method
>will get invoked by magic at most once on any given object O, no
>matter how often O is resurrected.

How does that help?  Doesn't it mean that we'll have to have some way of 
keeping track of which items' __del__ methods were called?

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