[Python-Dev] defmacro (was: Anonymous blocks)

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Tue Apr 26 00:30:09 CEST 2005

Robert Brewer wrote:
> I still prefer more methods, because my actual use-cases are more
> complicated. Your solution would work for the specific case I gave, but
> try factoring in:
> * A subclass which needs to share locals between begin and post, instead
> of pre and post.
> or
> * A set of 10 subclasses which need the same begin() but different end()
> code.
> Yielding seems both too restrictive and too inside-out to be readable,
> IMO.

Ok, that makes sense.  However, one of your examples seemingly pulls a
name, 'old_children', out of nowhere.  That's hard to fix.  One of the
greatest features of Python is the simple name scoping; we can't lose that.


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