[Python-Dev] Re: anonymous blocks

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Apr 20 08:47:51 CEST 2005

Josiah Carlson wrote:

> See the previous two discussions on thunks here on python-dev, and
> notice how the only problem that seem bettered via blocks/thunks /in
> Python/ are those which are of the form...
> #setup
> try:
>     block
> finally:
>     #finalization
> ... and depending on the syntax, properties.  I once asked "Any other
> use cases for one of the most powerful features of Ruby, in Python?"  I
> have yet to hear any sort of reasonable response.
> Why am I getting no response to my question?  Either it is because I am
> being ignored, or no one has taken the time to translate one of these
> 'killer features' from Smalltalk or Ruby, or perhaps such translations
> show that there is a better way in Python already.

for my purposes, I've found that the #1 callback killer in contemporary Python
is for-in:s support for the iterator protocol:

instead of

    def callback(x):

or with the "high-level intent"-oriented syntax:

        def libraryspecifiedargumentname(x):

I simply write

    for x in dosomething():

and get shorter code that runs faster.  (see cElementTree's iterparse for
an excellent example.  for typical use cases, it's nearly three times faster
than pyexpat, which is the fastest callback-based XML parser we have)


    def do():
        print "setup"
            yield None
            print "tear down"

doesn't quite work (if it did, all you would need is syntactic sugar for "for
dummy in").


PS. a side effect of the for-in pattern is that I'm beginning to feel that Python
might need a nice "switch" statement based on dictionary lookups, so I can
replace multiple callbacks with a single loop body, without writing too many
if/elif clauses.

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