[Python-Dev] Possible addition to itertools

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Jun 24 13:08:07 EDT 2004

On Jun 21, 2004, at 12:53 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

> [Scott David Daniels]
>> One feature that I'd find nice in itertools is access to "universal
>> newlines" behavior.  This would make it much easier to extend zipfile
>> and other compression-related code to provide pseudo-files that
> iterate
>> properly.
> My initial thoughts are:
> * the functionality is useful
> * it duplicates some code from fileobject.c

Which isn't available in pure Python anywhere, and isn't extensible 
enough to do what he wants to do.

> * unsure whether the needs to be Unicode aware

Universal newlines doesn't really make sense in the context of unicode. 
  Unicode would definitely have another implementation, anyway 

FWIW, I've wanted to do things like this before..  but I think that the 
universal newlines support in fileobject should just be refactored so 
that you can use it without a file object (possibly with a similar API 
to this).

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