[Python-Dev] mimetypes and _winreg

Garth garth at garthy.com
Sat Jun 12 15:16:20 EDT 2004

Thomas Heller wrote:

>Mike Brown <mike at skew.org> writes:
>>I thought it would be nice to try to improve the mimetypes module by having 
>>it, on Windows, query the Registry to get the mapping of filename extensions 
>>to media types, since the mimetypes code currently just blindly checks 
>>posix-specific paths for httpd-style mapping files. However, it seems that the 
>>way to get mappings from the Windows registry is excessively slow in Python.
>>I'm told that the reason has to do with the limited subset of APIs that are 
>>exposed in the _winreg module. I think it is that EnumKey(key, index) is 
>>querying for the entire list of subkeys for the given key every time you call 
>>it. Or something. Whatever the situation is, the code I tried below is way 
>>slower than I think it ought to be.
>>Does anyone have any suggestions (besides "write it in C")? Could _winreg 
>>possibly be improved to provide an iterator or better interface to get the 
>>subkeys? (or certain ones? There are a lot of keys under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 
>>and I only need the ones that start with a period).
>See this post I made some time ago:
>>Should I file this as a feature request?
>If you still think it should be changed in the core, you should work on
>a patch.
I could file a patch if no one else is looking at it. The solution would 
be to use

RegEnumKeyEx and remove RegQueryInfoKey. This loses compatability with win16 which 
I guess is ok.


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