[Python-Dev] PEP 326 (quick location possibility)

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Thu Jan 29 13:02:13 EST 2004

> A conventional spelling for universal smallest and largest objects would
> allow for a very clean and clear solution.  I'm reminded that we introduced
> "print >> f" partly because most people made mistakes in details when trying
> to temporarily rebind sys.stdout "by hand".  Complex search loops are
> brittle in the details too.  So I'll let Barry propose that a bare ">>" mean
> "biggest" and a bare "<<" mean "smallest" <wink>.
>>>> << < >>
> True

Well, then we should add "==" and "<>" also.
I'm sure disambiguities in the grammar can be resolved somehow ;-)

>>> == == ==
>>> <> <> <>


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