[Python-Dev] test_poll fails when building python 2.3.3 on osx

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sat Jan 24 03:06:10 EST 2004

On Jan 24, 2004, at 2:48 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> C code that implements the same test as the failing test in test_poll 
>> also fails, so yet this seems to be a bug in OSX. I haven't seen the 
>> specs for poll() though, it might also be a bug in the testcase :-). 
>> Whichever it may be, this is a harmless test failure.
> Should it become a skip/expected failure for OSX then?

That's not a terrible idea, but as Ronald said, maybe someone should 
make sure the test itself is correct first?  If it's skipped/expected, 
then surely nobody will look further into it ;)

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