[Python-Dev] test_poll fails when building python 2.3.3 on osx

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jan 23 19:19:11 EST 2004

On Jan 23, 2004, at 5:47 PM, Jodok Batlogg wrote:

> i'm trying to build py2.3.3 on osx (10.3) with gcc3.3 (and 3.1) but 
> test_poll always fails.

The poll interface is emulated in OS X 10.3, the Darwin kernel doesn't 
actually work like that.  It might be broken, but in practice that 
doesn't really matter because poll is very rarely used.

 From the header file:
	This file, and the accompanying "poll.c", implement the System V
	poll(2) system call for BSD systems (which typically do not provide
	poll()).  Poll() provides a method for multiplexing input and output
	on multiple open file descriptors; in traditional BSD systems, that
	capability is provided by select().  While the semantics of select()
	differ from those of poll(), poll() can be readily emulated in terms
	of select() -- which is how this function is implemented.

In short, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's probably a bug on Apple's 
part, but I'd be surprised if it would ever cause you a real problem.  
I've never seen Python code in the wild that uses select.poll() as the 
default I/O multiplexing mechanism (they all use select.select() 

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