[Python-Dev] PyCon Reminder: Proposal deadline 1/15 (LAST WARNING)

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Mon Jan 12 13:26:23 EST 2004

This is the *last* reminder that the deadline for sending proposals
for presentations at PyCon DC 2004 is January 15, 2004.  That's
upcoming Thursday!

I'm also reminding everybody, speakers and non-speakers, of the
upcoming deadline for Early Bird Registration: January 31.  Until
then, the registration fee is $175 (student rate $125); after that
date, the registration price goes up to $250 (student rate $150).
Don't forget to register!  (Sorry, there's no speakers discount.)

If you're coming to the conference, consider coming a few days early
and participate in a coding sprint.  Sprints are free (courtesy of the
PSF!), and are held from Saturday March 20 through Tuesday March 23
(i.e. the four days leading up to the conference).  For more info on
sprints, see http://pycon.org/dc2004 .

Now back to proposal submissions:

We are interested in any and all submissions about uses of Python and
the development of the language.  Since there is expected to be a
strong educational community presence for the next PyCon, teaching
materials of various kinds are also encouraged.

You can submit your proposal at:


For more information about proposals, see:


If you have further questions about the submission web interface or
the format of submissions, please write to:

    pycon-organizers at python.org

We would like to publish all accepted papers on the web.  If your
paper is accepted and you prepare an electronic presentation (in PDF,
PythonPoint or PowerPoint) we will also happily publish that on the
web site once PyCon is over.

If you don't want to make a formal presentation, there will be a
significant amount of Open Space to allow for informal and
spur-of-the-moment presentations for which no formal submission is
required.  There will also be several Lightning Talk sessions (five
minutes or less).

About PyCon:

PyCon is a community-oriented conference targeting developers (both
those using Python and those working on the Python project).  It gives
you opportunities to learn about significant advances in the Python
development community, to participate in a programming sprint with
some of the leading minds in the Open Source community, and to meet
fellow developers from around the world.  The organizers work to make
the conference affordable and accessible to all.

PyCon DC 2004 will be held March 24-26, 2004 in Washington, D.C.  The
keynote speaker is Mitch Kapor of the Open Source Applications
Foundation (http://www.osafoundation.org/).  There will be a four-day
development sprint before the conference.

We're looking for volunteers to help run PyCon.  If you're interested,
subscribe to http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pycon-organizers

Don't miss any PyCon announcements!  Subscribe to

You can discuss PyCon with other interested people by subscribing to

The central resource for PyCon DC 2004 is http://www.pycon.org/

Pictures from last year's PyCon:

I'm looking forward to seeing you all in DC in March!!!

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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