[Python-Dev] CJKCodecs integration into Python

Hye-Shik Chang perky at i18n.org
Sat Jan 10 10:09:48 EST 2004

On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 11:43:34PM +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Hye-Shik Chang wrote:
> >
> >Any opionions will be appreciated.
> I like it except for the module names of the underlying C modules.
> Could you group them under a common prefix, e.g. _cjk_<codecname> ?!

Okay. How about _codecs_<codecname> or _encodings_<codecname> ?
_cjk_<codecname> seems to be easy to lose naming consistency when
another C codec for non-CJK multibyte encodings like Vietnamese.

> Even better would be to put them into a package, but I'm not
> sure whether that would complicate the setup.

-0 for this. We don't have any packages on lib-dynload currently.

> >Thank you!
> Thank you for contributing these !
> Since this is a major contribution, we will probably have to ask
> you to sign one of the contribution agreements that we are currently
> having in the legal review queue. Would that pose a problem ?

How can I sign the aggrements? Airmail and PGP-signed email work
for me. But I can't sure whether I am able to send a international
FAX. :)


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