[Python-Dev] namespace for generator expressions

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at bluewin.ch
Wed Feb 4 08:49:33 EST 2004

At 17:36 26.01.2004 -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>(Of course, I also often forget that free variables don't bind early in 
>nested functions!  It always seems strange to me that I have to write a 
>function that returns a function in order to just define a function with 
>bound variables.  Indeed, it's hard to think of a time where I've *ever* 
>wanted late binding of variables in a nested function.)

0) It should be noted that late binding makes likely the most sense when 
rebinding is allowed (a feature I still don't know whether it ought to be 
added, but that's beside the point). At the moment what it allows is 
mutually referring or self-recursive nested definitions:

def h():
   def f()
     # f can refer to g
   def g()

[ not that is totally unimagibable a semantics where:

def f():
   x = 1
   def g(): return x
   x = 2
   return g()

def f():
   def g(): return x
   x = 1
   x = 2
   return g()

both return 1 ...  ]

1) we suffer a bit more the late binding semantics because creating a new 
scope is not a lightweight operation in Python, consider this Common Lisp code:

 > (defun f ()
                (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))
                    (lst ()  (append lst (list (lambda () x)))))
                    ((= x 4) lst)))

 > (mapcar #'funcall (f))
(4 4 4 4)

kind of like:
     def f():
       x = 0
       lst = []
       while not (x == 4):
         lst.append(lambda : x)
         x += 1
       return lst

 >>> [ el() for el in f() ]
[4, 4, 4, 4]

an inline 'let' makes it do the what's maybe expected:

 >(defun f ()
                (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))
                    (lst ()  (append lst (list (let ((x x)) (lambda () x))))))
                    ((= x 4) lst)))

 > (mapcar #'funcall (f))
(0 1 2 3)

In Scheme both 'do' and named-let directly introduce a fresh scope per 

(define (f)
     (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))
          (lst ()
               (append lst (list (lambda () x)))))
       ((= x 4) lst) ))

 > (map (lambda (func) (func)) (f))
(0 1 2 3)


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