[Python-Dev] 2.4 news reaches interesting places

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Fri Dec 10 12:12:36 CET 2004

Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:

>     >> The other thing we can do is finish the portable backend for psyco
>     >> and make it a standard module.  Then Python won't be slow, it will be
>     >> compiled, and py2exe will be able to make a single-file executable.
>     Armin> You probably mean that Psyco can dynamically compile Python
>     Armin> bytecodes even if they have been hidden into an .exe file by
>     Armin> py2exe.
> I didn't read it that way.  My impression was that py2exe be modified to
> include and enable psyco if it's available when building an .exe.  You
> would, in theory, get a single file distribution as well as dynamic
> compilation.

I haven't tried it, but using psyco in a script and building an exe
from it with py2exe should work right out of the box - but maybe this
isn't what you had in mind?

And single-file exes with py2exe are on my plan for a medium time range,
although currently I'm not really sure which way to go.


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