[Python-Dev] Call for defense of @decorators

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Fri Aug 6 00:33:24 CEST 2004

Edward K. Ream wrote:
> Thank you, Martin.  I think Python will be the better for holding itself to
> higher standards.

I was somewhat too quick critizing the documentation, though:


does explain syntax and semantics, and there are testcases as well. So 
it's just the PEP that needs updating (a section in whatsnew also needs
to be drafted). Then, of course, the text saying that "@" is not used
needs to go.

I wonder whether replacing "@" with "!" or "%" would do any good...
In fact, any binary operator would work - Objective-C does use "+"
and "-" at the beginning of a line...


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