[Python-Dev] New functionality in micro releases (was: Documenting branch policy)

Harri Pasanen harri.pasanen at trema.com
Mon Sep 8 16:39:56 EDT 2003

On Monday 08 September 2003 01:04, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> >>>>> "Jack" == Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl> writes:
>     Jack> ... but with Python 2.3 we have the situation that the
> majority of Jack> Python installations (I think it's safe to take
> the guess that Jack> MacOSX 10.3 installations will soon outnumber
> all other Pythons Jack> together) will stay at 2.3 until the next
> release of MacOSX.
> I wouldn't be so sure of that.  Aside from the many Linux
> distributions which include some version of Python, it's clear that
> HP/Compaq is including some version of Python with their new
> Windows computers (based on all the newbie questions about this
> fielded at webmaster at python.org).  Still, the number of vendors
> delivering Python with their computers and the long string of
> problems caused by RedHat shipping Python 1.5.2 w/ 7.x long after
> 2.0 was history suggests that micro releases be reserved entirely
> for bug fixes.

Seconded, from where I'm sitting MaxOSX is not even on the radar,  but 
Linux is all over the place, on various platforms, and all those we 
use have Python out of the box.  RedHat on Itanium still seems to 
have 1.5.2 for instance.   Mandrake 9.1 is on 2.2.2.
Mandrake 9.2 will have Python 2.3.  

Personally I would have guessed there to be more Mandrake Linux 
installations than MacOSX installations - but in reality I have no 

Just a datapoint...


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