[Python-Dev] SRE recursion

Gary Herron gherron at islandtraining.com
Fri Oct 17 02:05:27 EDT 2003

On Thursday 16 October 2003 10:49 pm, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer at conectiva.com> writes:
> > I'd like to get back to the SRE recursion issue (#757624). Is this
> > a good time to commit the patch?
> It would be good if you could find somebody who reviews the
> patch. However, if nobody volunteers to review, please go ahead - it
> might well be that you are the last active SRE maintainer left on this
> planet ...

I jumped into SRE and wallowed around a bit before the last release,
then got swamped with real (i.e., money earning) work.  I'd be willing
to jump in again if it would help.  Gustavo, would you like me to
review the patch?  Or if you submit it, I'll just get it from cvs and
poke around it that way.

Gary Herron

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