[Python-Dev] Introduction

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Thu, 22 May 2003 04:25:48 +0200

Jeffery Roberts wrote:

> Hello all !
> I'm new to the list and thought I would quickly introduce myself. My name
> is Jeff and I am a university student [4th year] living in Toronto.
> I would love to be able to help with Python-dev in some way. I'm
> especially interested in issues directly related to the interpreter
> itself.  I have gained some compiler development experience while at the
> university and would love to continue working in this area.
> If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on how best I could proceed in
> this direction, I would love to hear them.

All I can say is: Get involved with PyPy!
There is nothing harder, Python related stuff that I know of.
It can of course do some damage to your brain. I know what
I'm talking about.
Google for pypy and you got it.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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