[Python-Dev] Re: MS VC 7 offer

David Abrahams dave@boost-consulting.com
Wed, 14 May 2003 20:22:46 -0400

Barry Scott <barry@barrys-emacs.org> writes:

> Did I miss the answer to why bother to move to VC7?
> As a C project I know of very little to recommend VC7 or VC7.1.
> As a C++ developer I've decided that VC7 as little more then a broken
> VC6. 

That was roughly my experience, support for template template
arguments notwithstanding.

> Maybe Jesse Lipcon (who works for MS now) has managed to
> make VC7.1 more standards compatible for C++ work, which would
> recommend it to C++ developers.

That's not a maybe.  As a hard-core C++-head, I can tell you that
it's like night and day.  VC7.1 is very, very good.

> Note that wxPython claims that it will not compile correctly with
> VC7 unless you add a work around for a bug in the code generator.

It's very unlikely that this bug survived the VC7.1 release, but I
suppose it's possible.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting