[Python-Dev] Windows installer request...

Bjorn Pettersen BPettersen@NAREX.com
Tue, 6 May 2003 19:21:11 -0600

> From: Tim Peters [mailto:tim.one@comcast.net]=20
> [Bjorn Pettersen]
> >  item: Get Environment Variable
> >    Variable=3DOSDRIVE
> >    Environment=3DSystemDrive
> >    Default=3DC:
> >  end

> Enough already <wink/frown>:  I don't have time to try=20
> umpteen different things here, or really even one.

Thank you for doing it anyway then <smile>.

> What I did do is build an installer *just* removing the hard-coded
> Wizard-generated "C:" prefix.  Martin tried that and said it=20
> worked for him. It doesn't hurt me.  If it works for you too,=20
> I'll commit the change:

Works like a charm. Tested on Win98, Win2k, WinXP Pro (regular), and my
"special" XP. (NT4 seems to have died a silent death, so I couldn't test
it there...)

> Please give that a try.  It's an incoherent mix if files, so=20
> please use a junk name for the installation directory and program=20
> startup group (or simply abort the install after you see whether=20
> it suggested a drive you approve of).

I went all the way through (all files seems to have gone in correctly),
and as expected it shadowed my original install of 2.3b1 in the
Add/Remove Programs window. Surprisingly however, the original came back
after this one was removed. Who'd have thought.. ;-)

[.. xx.wse needs the Wise GUI to create an installer..]

Thought it might be that way... FWIW, re: the MSVC7 debate, the
"Microsoft Development Environment" (DevStudio), comes with five
different "Setup and Deployment projects". I've never used any of them,
nor Wise (obviously :-), but it could potentially get you out of the
loop... <wink>.

Thanks again!

-- bjorn