[Python-Dev] Re: [Pydotorg] updated notes about building bsddb185 module

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Fri, 2 May 2003 12:34:40 -0500

    Martin> Skip Montanaro wrote:
    >> Feedback appreciated.

    Martin> I think we need to build bsddb185 automatically under certain
    Martin> conditions. I have encouraged a user to submit a patch in that
    Martin> direction.

I suppose that's an alternative, however, it is complicated by a couple

    * The bsddb185 module would have to be built as bsddb (not a big deal in
      and of itself).

    * The current bsddb package directory would have to be renamed or not
      installed to avoid name clashes.

I don't think there's a precedent for the second issue.  The make install
target installs everything in Lib.  I think The decision about whether the
package or the module gets installed would be made in setup.py.  The
coupling between the two increases the complexity of the process.  I smell
an ugly hack in the offing.
