[Python-Dev] Dictionary tuning

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:36:22 -0400

[Raymond Hettinger]
> ...
> I'm going to write-up an informational PEP to summarize the
> results of research to-date.

I'd suggest instead a text file checked into the Object directory, akin to
the existing listsort.txt -- it's only of interest to the small fraction of
hardcore developers with an optimizing bent.

> After the first draft, I'm sure the other experimenters will each have
> lessons to share.  In addition, I'll attach a benchmarking suite and
> dictionary simulator (fully instrumented).  That way, future generations
> can reproduce the results and pickup where we left-off.

They probably won't, though.  The kind of people attracted to this kind of
micro-level fiddling revel in recreating this kind of stuff themselves.  For
example, you didn't look hard enough to find the sequence of dict simulators
Christian posted last time he got obsessed with this <wink>.  On the chance
that they might, a plain text file-- or a Wiki page! --is easier to update
than a PEP over time.

The benchmarking suite should also be checked in, and should be very
welcome.  Perhaps it's time for a "benchmark" subdirectory under Lib/test?
It doesn't make much sense even now that pystone and sortperf live directly
in the test directory.

> I've decided that this new process should have a name,
> something pithy, yet magical sounding, so it shall be
> dubbed SCIENCE.

LOL!  But I'm afraid it's not real science unless you first write grant
proposals, and pay a Big Name to agree to be named as Principal
Investigator.  I'll write Uncle Don a letter on your behalf <wink>.