[Python-Dev] RE: PEP-317

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:29:00 -0700

Steven Taschuk wrote:
> Quoth Aahz:
>   [...]
>>                raise Found()
>>except Found:
>   [...]
>>I find that extra set of parentheses unnecessary and ugly.  It implies a
>>callable where it's not really being used that way, [...]
> In
>     raise Found
> Found *is* being used as a callable under the hood; an instance of
> Found is created implicitly.  You just happen not to care about
> that instance.

Yes, I think that this is precisely the reason that I don't like 
implicit instantiation. The syntax can put the user in the wrong mental 
model. An object _is_ being created. Python has an object instantiation 
syntax. It is unclear to me what you gain by avoiding the syntax used 
for object instantiation everywhere else.

  Paul Prescod